The creamy broccoli empanada is a veggie empanada filled with broccoli on a whole wheat pastry. The broccoli is steamed with spices that enhance the broccoli flavour. The filling also contains roasted garlic. Garlic has many proven health benefits and it also adds a special touch to the final flavour. And last but not least, the two sauces that complement the filling the best, the béchamel sauce and sour cream sauce.

The béchamel sauce, also known as white sauce, is made from a white roux and milk with condiments like nutmeg and salt. This sauce blends together the flavours of the empanada very nicely. The sour cream sauce contains herbs and a mix of spices.
The broccoli empanada is delicious, healthy and the right choice if you are looking to avoid meat. If you have food allergies, don’t hesitate to check with our chef at Our chef is a food scientist specialized in food allergies.